Bro. Joseph Allen Pastor
Joseph Allen serves as the pastor of Lee Creek Baptist Church in Van Buren, AR. He was converted to Jesus Christ as Savior when he was 7 years old and was called into the gospel ministry when he was 17 years old. He has been preaching and pastoring since 2008. He received a Bachelor of Theology degree in 2013 and plans to continue his studies towards completing a Masters Degree at some point in the future. His conviction is that the scriptures alone are the sole authority for faith and practice. He loves the local church and the people of God seeking to shepherd them faithfully. He is committed to Biblical Christianity, expositional preaching of God’s word, and advancing the kingdom of God through the gospel of Jesus Christ. To God alone be the glory!

Bro. Harold Smith Missionary To Churches In Need
Harold Smith became Lee Creek’s sixth pastor in 2007. In 2012 he held the first Preachers of Grace conference as a way of encouraging fellowship among like minded preachers. As this conference grew, a ministry to equip pastor-less churches also began. As the years went by, he spent more and more of his time working with other pastors and churches. In 2021 brother Harold stepped down as pastor to pursue this ministry full time. Lee Creek continues to support this work while he and his wife Missy, as well their two adult children, are still active members at Lee Creek.